Few Tips to Prevent Earwax Blockage

Ear Wax Blockage

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is produced by glands in the center of the ear canal to keep debris, dust, and foreign objects from getting to your eardrum. Typically, the wax leaves your ear on its own over time. Wearing earplugs can force earwax deeper into the ear, where it cannot be removed. Additionally, you can create more earwax than usual, causing it to accumulate, obstruct your canal, and ear infections.

Blockages in the ear canal from earwax can result in pressure, dizziness, and temporary hearing loss. You push the wax deeper into the canal when you attempt to clean your own ears with a finger or cotton swab, making your ear canal blocked. You can learn how to clean your ears and avoid ear wax blockages safely. Read on to find out more.

What is earwax?

The body makes cerumen, often known as earwax, to protect the ears. Ear wax possesses lubricating and antibacterial properties. While the skin of your ear grows from the inside out, chewing moves old earwax along the ear canal. When it reaches the outer ear, it flakes off. Earwax is made on the exterior of the ear canal, not inside the ear. Dead skin cells, hair, and secretion from two separate glands are all components of earwax.

What does it mean when earwax becomes impacted?

When earwax has accumulated in the ear canal to the extent where there may be indications that something isn’t quite right, we say it is impacted. It’s crucial to remember that most people may never need to clean their ears. Ears can self-clean. When people attempt to clean their ears with objects like cotton swabs or bobby pins, earwax buildup and obstruction frequently result. It can harm the ear and forces the earwax deeper into the ear canals.

What side effects could an accumulation and earwax blockage cause?

Excessive earwax can exacerbate the signs of an earwax obstruction if left untreated. These signs may include ear pain, loss of hearing, etc. The inability to see into the ear due to earwax buildup could lead to possible issues going misdiagnosed.

Does the color of the earwax mean anything?

You must first decide if you have dry or damp earwax. Although healthy earwax appears in various hues, color can occasionally have more profound significance. Light yellow, honey-colored, and orange-brown are just a few colors in which wet earwax might appear. Dry earwax tends to be flaky and white or grey in appearance. Freshly moist ear wax is sticky.

You should see your doctor if your earwax is more like a discharge, such as if it contains white or greenish pus, or if you wake up to discover it caked on your pillow. Darker-colored earwax is typically older earwax in either situation. It has been exposed to the air more and is, therefore, more likely to contain dust. Additionally, you should contact your doctor if you notice any blood or if your earwax is black.

There is still another intriguing fact regarding moist or dry earwax. Most people with dry earwax are of Asian, East Asian, and Native American heritage. It results from a genetic variance. Additionally, it’s more probable that someone with wet earwax may need deodorant. A molecule that causes sweat to smell is absent in people with dry earwax.

How to tell you have an earwax blockage?

There could be an earwax blockage in your canal that doesn’t cause any symptoms. The earwax builds up gradually, which allows your brain to adjust to your shifting hearing rather than acting as a reliable indicator. Tinnitus, or sudden ringing in the ears, is a reliable sign; however, it can also be a sign of other diseases or even a side effect from treatment.

A buildup of earwax can give you the impression that your ear is blocked. After swimming, it feels like you have a water blockage. Earwax may also result in the following:

  • Earache
  • Dizziness
  • Pressure in the ear
  • Coughing
  • Itchiness
  • Discharge from the ear canal
  • Odor

Other ear conditions, such as an ear infection, may cause these symptoms. Make an appointment to have your ears evaluated for a more severe issue unless you are positive that an excessive buildup of earwax brings on your symptoms.

Take care of your ears

Because it is pushed out by new wax production, earwax typically finds its way to the outer end of the ear canal. Earwax can spread outward by chewing and moving your jaw.

Only wipe the outer, visible portion of your ear with a cotton swab if you choose to do so. Never put anything, including a swab, inside the ear canal. While it may appear that you are removing some wax, doing so can push the wax deeper.

When you take a bath each night, clean the outer ear with a warm, damp washcloth to aid in the earwax’s natural migration out of the ear. You should be able to remove any extra earwax with that.

Soften your ear wax

When it comes into contact with other chemicals, some of which you might already have in your medicine cabinet, earwax softens even if it is resistant to water. Typical wax softeners are:

  • Mineral oil
  • Baby oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Glycerin
  • Hydrogen peroxide, 3% solution
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 2 ounces of water

Place a few drops of one of these ear softeners in each ear for 5–10 minutes once or twice daily. It should weaken your obstruction in a day or two, allowing it to go out of your ear. Warm water should flush your ear to remove the softening agent and encourage the obstruction to move.


Make an appointment with Dr. Simple Bhandania, if you want to ensure that you remove earwax appropriately and securely. Dr. Simple Bhandania is one of the best ENT specialists available in Ahemdabad.

In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, ACE Ent is the top hospital for surgical and medical treatment of the ear, nose, and throat. One of the leading candidates for minimal-access ENT surgery is Dr. Simple Bhadania. He specialized in endoscopic sinus surgery, stitch-less ear surgery, snore-correction surgery, mouth surgery, and skull base surgery in addition to basic ENT surgery. The B.J. Medical College in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is where Dr. Simple Bhadania received her M.S. in ENT (Oto-rhino-laryngology).