Exploring the Causes and Treatments of Running Nose

treating running nose

A mucus that is dripping or “running” out of your nose is said to have a runny nose. It can be brought on by colder outdoor temperatures, the flu, allergies, or the common cold.

The thin, largely clear discharge you might see is known as “rhinorrhea,” which is sometimes used in conjunction with the term “runny nose.” You may also frequently find the term “rhinitis.” Your nasal tissues get inflamed when you have rhinitis.

When a cold virus or an allergen, first enters your body, it irritates the lining of your nose, which causes your nose to begin producing a lot of clear mucus. This mucus traps germs, viruses, or allergens and helps in clearing your sinuses and nose of them.

How does the nose function to protect your body?

The first step in breathing is nose-starting. Through your nose, air can enter your lungs. So that clean air can reach your lungs, it helps to filter, humidify, warm, or chill the air that passes through it.

The space inside your nose is covered by a distinct mucosa lining, or moist tissue, which is made up of several glands that produce mucus. The mucus retains any bacteria, allergies, dust, or other dangerous particles that enter the nose. Invading bacteria and viruses are killed by the antibodies and enzymes found in mucus.

Additionally, cilia, which resemble small hairs, are present in the mucosa lining. The collected hazardous particles and the mucus they are caught in are transported through your nose and toward the back of your throat by the cilia, which are constantly moving. The acid in your stomach then dissolves it, causing it to be destroyed. Additionally, mucus and debris can be expelled by sneezing or coughing.

The rate of this process slows down when the outside temperature drops. The mucus frequently drops or dribbles out after remaining in your nose for a while.

Why is mucus a crucial component of the respiratory system?

Your airways must be moist and functioning properly, which requires mucus. Mucus not only prevents hazardous substances from entering your lungs, but it also has antibodies that help fight against bacteria. When your body produces too much mucus, it tries to get rid of it by making you cough, spit it out, and blow it out of your nose.

Runny nose causes

A runny nose can be brought on by anything that aggravates the nose’s inner lining. Runny and stuffy noses are frequently brought on by allergies and infections like colds, the flu, or sinusitis. Some people get constant nosebleeds for no apparent reason. This condition is referred as nonallergic rhinitis.

The nose may only run from one side due to a tumor, polyp, or an object lodged in the nose.

Several factors could be the cause of your runny nose among the potential reasons:

  • Flu
  • Gustatory rhinitis
  • Allergies
  • Cold temperatures
  • Common cold

How to deal with a runny nose?

A reaction by the immune system is indicated by a runny nose. You may feel more exhausted than normal because your immune system is active. Even if you don’t experience any more symptoms, you should still be kind to yourself.

Try these things to deal with a runny nose:

  • Get plenty of sleep: Take a shower before bed or use a humidifier in your bedroom to prevent a runny nose from keeping you up at night.
  • Retain hydration: Be sure to drink enough water to avoid dehydration.
  • Make a nose blow: To clear your nasal passages of extra mucus, use a soft tissue to wipe or blow. To assist prevent soreness, moisturize the area around your nose.
  • Clean your hands: Regularly washing your hands with soap and water will help you avoid spreading germs.
  • Surfaces should be sanitized: Spend a few seconds disinfecting the surfaces and objects that you frequently touch.
  • Stay at home: It’s advised to stay at home when you have a runny nose so you don’t infect others, even if you don’t have any other symptoms.

Other symptoms which may come with a runny nose

Postnasal drip is a negative side effect of excessive mucus production. It happens when mucus travels to the back of your throat and is swallowed, which could cause a painful throat or cough.

A runny nose and a stuffy, congested nose can occasionally be observed combined. Inflamed blood vessels are the causes for the swelling.

Fatigue, a sore throat, a cough, pressure in the face, and occasionally fever may accompany a runny nose brought on by a cold or the flu.

Sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose brought on by allergies are possible side effects.

When to visit a doctor?

Here are the reasons why you should visit a doctor:

  • Your symptoms last longer than 10 days
  • You have a fever.
  • Your nose produces yellow and green discharge. Your face hurts or you have a fever. This could be an indication of a bacterial illness.
  • Blood is coming out of your nose. Alternatively, you have a head injury and your nose is still running.

Self-care of Running Nose

Try these quick fixes to get relief from symptoms before you see your doctor:

  • Steer clear of substances to which you are allergic.
  • Consider a non-prescription allergy medication. You might have allergies if you’re also sneezing and your eyes are itchy or watery. Make sure you adhere to the directions on the label precisely.
  • Add several saline drops to one nostril for infants. Using a soft rubber-bulb syringe, slowly suction that nostril.

Try these remedies for postnasal drip to reduce saliva that accumulates at the back of the throat:

  • Steer clear of common irritants including cigarette smoke and abrupt humidity changes.
  • Get lots of water.
  • Apply nasal saline rinses or sprays.


You can try a variety of natural treatments at home to stop a runny nose without using any prescription. None of these treatments are intended to treat or eliminate the underlying conditions that produce a runny nose, such as colds, viral infections, or allergies. These methods will only provide you with respite. If you have any unsettling symptoms, including allergies, colds, or other viral or bacterial infections, make sure to get more immediate medical attention. For the best treatment, do contact ENT Specialist in Ahmedabad Dr. Simple Bhadania.